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Rolling Mill

Rolling Mill

Rolling process is most common industrial process used for making large length cross section like sheets and plates of steel and aluminum for structure and other works. Rolling mills are used to perform rolling process. These machines are available in different shapes and size according to requirement of the process and due to technical issues. Every rolling mill consist minimum two rolls. These numbers can extend according to the process requirement. Today we will discuss about all types of rolling mills used in manufacturing industries.

Types of Rolling Mills

According to the number and arrangement of rolls, this machine can be classified into following types.

Two High Rolling Mill

This mill consist two rollers arranged as shown in figure. Both the rollers rotate in opposite direction for desire movement of work piece. Work piece is feed between the rollers which apply a compressive force and tends to plastically deform work piece and convert it into desire shape. This machine can further classified into two types. The first one is two high non reversible machine in which the rollers can rotate in only one directio and thus work piece can feed only in one direction. One big problem arises in this machine is that every time the work piece carried back over the front side of mill to feed again for reduction in thickness. The other one is two high reversible machine in which both the rollers can be rotate in both directions. In this machine no need to carry work piece at front side.

Three High Rolling Mill

This type of rolling mill consist three rollers arrange parallel to each other. In this machine the middle roller rotate in opposite direction of other two rollers. This machine is used to reduce two times thickness in one pass. In this machine, the work piece is feed between bottom and middle roller in one direction and top and middle rollers in opposite direction. This machine can handle two work pieces in single run.
